Charley and Seymour's Hanukkah Miracle

Cover Art for Charley and Seymour's Hanukkah Miracle

Best friends Charley Chipmunk and Seymour Squirrel are planning their Hanukkah celebration. ""I'll fry the latkes, and you bring the menorah and the candles,"" Seymour suggests, but when Hanukkah arrives Charley can't remember what he is supposed to bring. ""I was supposed to bring the menorah, but what was the other thing?"" It started with the letter C. Was it cantaloupe? Carrots? Cookies? Charley's backpack is overflowing with food that starts with C, but he forgets the candles! Then the aroma of latkes frying in oil gives Seymour an idea for how to light the menorah without candles. ""It's a miracle!"" says Seymour. ""This reminds me of the first Hanukkah.

ISBN Number
Trim Size
9 1/4" x 11"
Binding Type
Library Bound
Number of Pages
Melody Howard Ritt
Lerner Publishing Group (Kar-Ben)
Copyright Date
Dewey Number